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Configure your Azure DevOps projects automatically with Terraform

Setup a project with a script

Posted by Damien Aicheh on 10/24/2022 · 6 mins

In this tutorial we will see the first steps to automatically create a project inside Azure DevOps using Terraform.

This tutorial is part of a full series of tutorials on configuring Azure DevOps using Terraform.

Project structure

Let’s create a dedicated Terraform project called set_up_azure_devops with this structure inside:

| - set_up_azure_devops
   | - .env
   | - .gitignore

The .env file must not be versioned because it will contains the credentials to access Azure DevOps. The .gitignore will contains all terraform files that we want to ignore. It will look like this:


Get credentials

To interract with Azure DevOps, the Terraform provider needs two things:

  • The Azure DevOps url which is formated like this:
  • An Access Token that must be created inside Azure DevOps

To create it, go to your account and select Personnal Access Tokens:


Click New Token then create a new personal access token. For the purpose of this tutorial and to keep it simple you can choose Full access scope, it will work but may provide more access than you need. When you will be more confident about what you want to do you can go back to it and enable only the scopes that are useful for you.

For Linux and Mac machine, go to the .env file and add our values like this:


The goal of this .env file is to expose those environment variables on your machine. To do this just run this command:

source .env

After that if you run:


You should see the two environment variables in your terminal. You are now ready to create your first project Azure DevOps with Terraform!

If you are using Windows use the Set command to expose these environment variables.

Define the Azure DevOps provider

Let’s create a file and declare the microsoft/azuredevops provider in it:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azuredevops = {
      source  = "microsoft/azuredevops"
      version = ">=0.2.0"

The credentials that you previously setup will be automatically written by the provider when you will run a terraform init command.

Define the project

Next step, you can define a new file called and declare the type of project you want:

resource "azuredevops_project" "this" {
  name            = var.project_name
  visibility      = "private"
  version_control = "Git"
  features = {
    "boards"       = "enabled"
    "repositories" = "enabled"
    "pipelines"    = "enabled"
    "testplans"    = "disabled"
    "artifacts"    = "disabled"

As you can see, the name of the project is a variable that we will declare in the next section. To give you an example, all the features are not enabled for this project. You can find all the properties available in the Terraform documentation.

Define the project name variable

Finally you can add the project_name variable in a specific file called

variable "project_name" {
  description = "The project name to create"
  type        = string

Run Terraform

Let’s give it a try, first initialize Terraform:

terraform init

Run the plan command with the name of the project as a variable, (we will see in the next tutorials how to manage all input variables with a file):

terraform plan -var 'project_name=YOUR PROJECT NAME' --out=plan.out

And finally apply the plan.out file:

terraform apply plan.out

As result you should see your project created inside Azure DevOps!

Final touch

You managed to create your first project inside Azure DevOps using Terraform. You will find full source code in this Github repository.

What’s next?

In the next tutorial of this series we will focus on creating repositories!

Do not hesitate to follow me on to not miss my next tutorial!